Learn 2 Fish With Us has been utilizing Backyard Bass for casting practice for the last seven years and they are always the hit of out fishing clinics and we have worked with over twenty thousand youth....
Whether you are teaching youth or adults how to cast, or if you just want to have a fun activity, Backyard Bass are awesome.
Backyard bass are awesome. They can be used as a main fun or instrucational activity or, if fishing gets slow, as a plan "B". Kids and adults have a great time trying to catch the Backyard Bass. The staff at Ironwood Pacific are great to work with. FISH ON!!!
Backyard Bass are great. Kids and parents love them. They are a great way to teach Scouts a variety of skills. Having a Backyard Bass activity can also be a good productive recruiting tool.
Backyard bass are a fun activity. They are a great teaching recruiting tool. Fish on!
It is nice to be able to receive a good price on quantity. The small box was a pleasant surprise and all the fish were in the package. Both kids and adults enjoy catching the fish. They hold up pretty well, I have used some for nearly 20 years.
I've used Backyard Bass as a teaching tool at various other positions, but this was the first set for my current organization. Traditionally our audience has been retirees, but we are striving to work with youth and these Bass were the perfect way to encourage new and younger residents to check out our area at a recent River Rally. They were a huge hit! We added some fish id facts to the back to connect to some fish surveys we do with another group and adults and kids loved flipping their fish over to check out the species and if their populations were healthy throughout the bays. These are great and so worth it for other water quality/environmental organizations. The only problem is getting kids to go when their parents are ready.
I have been using backyard bass for teaching not only casting skills but fish identification for about 15 years and it works great for all ages.
Aside from my facetious title, I do mean it. This product is SO great for outdoor environmental education. I first tried it attending a workshop in central NC and now bought my own set for my own programs. I recently used it at a public State Park event this past Saturday and it was the most popular activity we had for over 400 people that showed up! Great Stuff!
I run a fishing theme area at our Council's Cub Scout Camp. In previous years we've practiced casting into kiddie pools. All the boys heard was a splash of they hit the pool. With the Backyard Bass Set, the boys get to reel in fish. It was hard getting them to go to their next station. And we got several comments on our evaluations that said casting was their favorite activiy. Very pleased!